Cosmic Saga:
In the timeless expanse of experience, there existed an electron. A solitary traveller, it ceaselessly roamed the vast reaches of its own universe, an explorer of all it could fathom. Singular and self-assured, it bore the name Oneo, proclaiming itself as the sole entity in its realm.
Through countless eons, Oneo crisscrossed its universe, venturing near and far. Swift and elusive, at times, it seemed to transcend the confines of space, as if ubiquitously present. Yet, a peculiar observation gradually seized its attention — there were limits to its voyages. Its universe harboured a boundary, a finite boundary, and beyond it lay naught.
Oneo, in its solitude, meticulously documented its sojourns, albeit lacking the visual senses to behold its surroundings. Instead, it possessed a unique talent: to gauge distances, the electronic ruler of its universe. Within its digital diary lay an inventory of the spans it traversed between diverse points. With little else to occupy its thoughts, Oneo delved into the analysis of these recorded measurements.
Amongst its contemplations, Oneo stumbled upon a revelation of great significance. A solitary locus within its universe existed, equidistant from every point adorning the periphery of its world. This point held a profound allure for Oneo. Whenever it traversed this spot, a serenity akin to Zen enveloped its being. Its consciousness cleared, granting a transient respite, an interlude of tranquillity.
This, to Oneo, was a nexus of equilibrium, a point of rejuvenation, a departure point for new odysseys. Devoting much of its existence to pondering this phenomenon, Oneo decided to name it “Point 0”, the genesis and epicentre of all its endeavours. The measure from this celestial fulcrum to any edge-bound point became “the 1 distance.” Thus, its entire universe unfolded betwixt the embrace of Point 0 and the reach of the 1 points, a cosmic saga etched in the annals of Oneo’s electronic consciousness.
Mystical Dance
In a solitary moment, amidst the stillness of Point 0, a singular encounter stirred Oneo’s electronic essence. A photon, darting forth from the abyss of infinity, collided with Oneo’s essence. This collision, a cosmic serendipity, ignited a spark of profound excitement within Oneo. An exhilaration pulsed through Oneo, birthing an impulse that compelled it to release a photon in response, a luminous expression of its euphoria.
As if scripted by the universe itself, another photon descended upon Oneo, bestowing upon it an unexpected encore. Overwhelmed by this mystical dance of photons, Oneo emitted yet another photon, witnessing with bated breath as it transcended the bounds of its universe, vanishing into the uncharted abyss beyond the edge.
With newfound zeal, Oneo embarked on its inaugural experiment, orchestrating a ballet of photons and meticulously documenting each outcome. Like cosmic messengers, every photon emitted was met by the return of another from the mysterious realm beyond.